Risk Assessment

Greensteps provides industry-leading scientific expertise in human health and environmental risk assessment, environmental toxicology, exposure and effects assessments, pharmacokinetics, indoor air pollution, which have been applied to support the cleanup of hazardous waste sites. Greensteps offers a full range of ecological risk assessment services to successfully evaluate, interpret, and communicate environmental risks. Our team understands all major components of EPA’s risk assessment paradigm, including problem formulation, exposure and effects assessment, risk characterization, uncertainty analysis, and risk management.

Our human health risk assessors understand the highly complex set of factors that influence multi-exposure-pathway risk assessment such as inhalation of vapors emanating from soils, ingestion of contaminated soil, water, or food, and dermal contact with water or soils. Our approach to human health exposure and risk assessment is designed to meet the specific needs of a particular site or problem, but also to provide the most cost effective means of assessing potential health effects by limiting the scope of field investigations to the areas that are most responsible for driving risk.