Initial and annual environmental audits

An environmental audit is a good way of measuring an organization’s environmental impacts, and enables informed decisions to be made about managing those impacts.Our auditing and assessment services are based upon hands-on, working knowledge of local EHS regulatory requirements, enforcement standards, industry best practices, and internationally accepted standards including ISO 14001. Our team includes seasoned auditors with extensive experience with environmental compliance permitting, support, program development, management and auditing in a wide variety of industrial sectors, as well as for retail, high-tech and office complexes.

In addition to extensive consulting experience, many of our auditors have previous industry experience, both at the facility level and within the corporate management structure. To assist our clients with obtaining an even and appropriate level of compliance audit, we utilize industry-specific, vetted protocols customized to the client’s operations, which can provide both detailed audit working papers and a template for follow-up audits.


• Site visits
• water sampling and testing
• soil sampling and testing